Roof Cleaning

High level access roof steam cleaning

Clear Green Specialise in Roof Cleaning Whilst Offering a Complete Range of Services 

Before view of mossy roof
After view of mossy roof after steam cleaning

Roof Cleaning

Do you find you are regularly finding lumps of moss on your drive and patio?  Are your gutters and downpipes getting blocked or have vegetation growing out of them? if the answers are yes then we can help. If this is occurring regularly it is more than likely that you have significant amounts of moss, algae, lichen and other biomatter growing on your roof.

As roofs age, the original protective layer on the face of the tile is eroded over time by weather and the elements and the removal of this layer then increases the porosity of the tile. Moisture can then penetrate more easily into the roof tiles. Moss thrives on damp or wet surfaces, and the moisture retained enables moss spores to establish themselves and become ingrained within the tile.

When moss grows on roof tiles it obviously will grow on the surface of the tile. What is less obvious is that its anchor points (similar to roots) seek out the dark, damp areas to attach themselves and thrive. They are most often prolific in the interlocking drainage channels down the side of the tiles and also under the front leading edge of the tiles. Problems occur in cold weather and the winter months when these elements of the moss structure can freeze at which point they expand which can push a tile out of place enough for rainwater to find its way under the tile. In some cases, depending on the age and condition of the tiles, it can even cause tiles to crack.

Here’s Where We Come In

We assess each roof on an individual basis as the condition of your roof will be influenced by a number of factors including construction type, local environment (such as trees growing nearby), and the overall level of accumulated dirt and detritus accumulated through general pollution in your specific location.

Usually a professional roof clean is all you need, rather than a new roof. Our roof cleaning service uses a tried and tested approach to clean away all the dirt and growth, giving immediate and lasting results whilst restoring its natural look. We regularly clean 50-year old roofs, that have never been cleaned, with the homeowners being amazed at the results achieved.

‘Usually a professional roof clean is all you need, rather than a new roof.’

In most cases the roof cleaning process is achieved using specialist low pressure steam cleaning equipment at temperatures up to 150°C and working from either tower scaffolds or MEWPs (cherry-pickers). This is done at significantly lower pressure than you would use to clean a driveway for example and, using tools and techniques that ensure no damage to your roof tiles, allows the high temperature steam to get into the drainage channels and also under the front leading edge of the tiles, killing the moss spores growing there. Steam cleaning carried out by professionals, such as the team at Clear Green, does not damage, crack or break roof tiles. These are the damp, dark, difficult to reach areas where mosses thrive that simply scraping moss off a tile surface cannot address. 

Steam cleaning gives a roof that is immediately clean of any moss, algae, lichen or other biomatter growth. Clear Green are one of only a few companies in the East Midlands with the specialist equipment, proven knowledge and expertise necessary to be able to offer this roof cleaning system. Contrary to some beliefs, it most definitely does not crack or damage the roof tiles or the roofing membrane below, nor does it cause internal leaks.

Having cleaned the roof using the low pressure steam cleaning system, it is then treated with a safe, environmentally-friendly biocide that adheres to and soaks into the tile surface. This treatment then protects the tiles from further growth for years (the exact length of time will depend upon the tile type and local environmental conditions but typically up to 5 years).

Steam cleaning and lichen removal of terracotta pantile roof tiles

Every Roof Is Unique

In some circumstances it may be appropriate to solely employ a softwash cleaning process to clean a roof. This may be true of old slate or clay tiles or the general condition of the roof surface. In this case specially designed stainless steel scraping heads, that match the profile of the roof tiles, are used. Attached to telescopic carbon fibre poles, these allow all of the surface moss to be cleaned off the surface and leading edges of the tiles. Once all surface moss is removed from the tiles, the roof is then treated with a safe, environmentally-friendly biocide, used in a similar manner to the steam cleaning process.

Once applied, the effects of Mother Nature come into play to work and clean the roof over time, typically measured in months. However, our experience shows that our customers, wherever possible, prefer the steam cleaning process as that does give an immediate result that does not harm the roof in any way.

Moss covered 50 year old concrete roof tiles before cleaning
50 year old concrete roof tiles after steam cleaning

Why Choose Clear Green?

Roof Cleaning has grown considerably in the last few years, especially with the development of window cleaners seeking add-on services they can offer at a cheap price. Many have evolved from the traditional ladder, bucket and scrim window cleaning methods to using pure, de-ionized, water-fed pole systems from the safety of the ground. Some have also acquired carbon fibre poles and profiled scraping blades or perhaps even purchased a pressure washer, enabling them to remove moss from roof tiles by scraping or pressure washing as an add-on service, usually at a very cheap price to boost their existing turnover.

However, they are often basically trying to get a roof clean completed as fast as they can and, if pressure washing, will often use a cold water high pressure 200 to 250 bar pressure washer at full pressure and incorrect water flow rates, rushing and with little consideration for the tiles or the roof structure as a whole. The fact is that cold water pressure washing very rarely totally kills and completely removes white lichen from roof tiles. Nor will it kill the moss spores living in the interlocking drainage channels down the side of the tiles and also under the front leading edge of the tiles.

Some companies also breach health & safety legislation by crawling around roofs scraping by hand or by using ladders and scraping with a pole or pressure washing from the gutter - not only dangerous working practices from a H&S perspective but also ones that are very difficult to gain insurance cover for, if in fact they've even notified their insurer that those are the methodologies they employ!. On the other hand the more health and safety conscious companies will operate from tower scaffolds or MEWPs, which is how we operate at Clear Green.

With contractors who do not truly specialise in roof cleaning there are a variety of ways you could be paying for a poor service without even knowing it.

In order to properly and effectively clean your roof, giving immediate results and added protection for the future, it needs specialist expertise. Using the right roof cleaning chemicals, lower pressure and steam we can remove all moss, algae and lichen completely and safely, with no risk or fear of damage.

With Clear Green you can rest assured that all our operators have undergone the required training and possess the vital expertise needed to thoroughly care for your roof, giving reliable results which will last.


Clear Green will clean your roof using processes and methodologies that will leave your roof clean at the end of the cleaning process - because we remove all moss, algae, lichen and biomatter on the day. Customers can typically see the benefits of the service they are paying good money for straight away - on completion of the work - without having to wait months hoping that the job was done properly if it has only been scraped and had a biocide applied!

Your roof will look as near to new as possible given its age and general condition. We additionally treat the tiles with a biocide application which gives added protection, protecting the tiles from further regrowth of algae, moss and lichens for future years.

On completion of the work all gutters are cleared and gutters, soffits, fascias and bargeboards are cleaned. All affected walls are rinsed down and windows are cleaned with de-ionized pure water, leaving a streak-free finish. Any debris/mess is cleared up and removed. 

As you would expect from a professional exterior cleaning service Clear Green are fully insured, carrying £5,000,000 public liability cover.

Optional Services

Having cleaned your roof and removed all moss, algae, lichen and other biomatter, the full condition of the tiles and roof structure can be easily seen and any previously broken tiles will be readily visible. If required Clear Green also offer the optional extra of replacing broken tiles and repointing of ridges and eaves.  As stated earlier steam cleaning carried out by professionals does not damage, crack or break roof tiles

Contact Us Today For A Free Quotation

If you have any questions about our offer, cleaning methods or processes employed please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly. Alternatively, email

If you want to speak to a real person why not give us a call – we hope to hear from you soon!

To speak to a member of our team call 01205-724667 or 07985-728711 today!

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