Ivy Removal

House brickwork showing ivy tendrils
House wall covered in ivy tendrils before cleaning
House wall covered in ivy tendrils during cleaning

Ivy Removal

Ivy may look nice and very pretty as it grows up the walls of your house but it can damage the brickwork and any wood furniture found on the walls of your house as it can cause a number of problems:

  • The roots of the ivy embed in the mortar making it erode and crumble quicker, causing the brickwork to become loose. 
  • Ivy can also grow up to and tangle itself around your gutters and the joints of plastic drainpipes, causing blockages and making your guttering and rainwater drainage ineffective.
  • Large areas of ivy growth covering your walls can cause damp problems inside your home as it holds moisture against the brickwork.
  • It can grow on wooden window frames causing them to rot more quickly as the ivy retains moisture and the rootstock burrows into the wood to anchor the plant.

Ivy removal is certainly something you should consider if you have it growing on the walls of your property. However, once removed, it will very often leave your walls looking terrible as the spindly, furry tendrils of the plant which are used to anchor it to the wall are usually left behind when the main structure of the plant is removed from the wall.

Clear Green can completely remove these tendrils and root structure utilising our specialist cleaning equipment, leaving your walls looking clean and spotless.

House wall covered in ivy tendrils before cleaning
House wall covered in ivy tendrils after cleaning
House wall covered in ivy tendrils before cleaning
House wall covered in ivy tendrils after cleaning
House wall covered in ivy tendrils before cleaning
House wall covered in ivy tendrils after cleaning

Ivy Removal

Ivy may look nice and very pretty as it grows up the walls of your house but it can damage the brickwork and any wood furniture found on the walls of your house as it can cause a number of problems:

  • The roots of the ivy embed in the mortar making it erode and crumble quicker, causing the brickwork to become loose. 
  • Ivy can also grow up to and tangle itself around your gutters and the joints of plastic drainpipes, causing blockages and making your guttering and rainwater drainage ineffective.
  • Large areas of ivy growth covering your walls can cause damp problems inside your home as it holds moisture against the brickwork.
  • It can grow on wooden window frames causing them to rot more quickly as the ivy retains moisture and the rootstock burrows into the wood to anchor the plant.

Ivy removal is certainly something you should consider if you have it growing on the walls of your property. However, once removed, it will very often leave your walls looking terrible as the spindly, furry tendrils of the plant which are used to anchor it to the wall are usually left behind when the main structure of the plant is removed from the wall.

Clear Green can completely remove these tendrils and root structure utilising our specialist cleaning equipment, leaving your walls looking clean and spotless.

Call us on 01205 724667 or 07985-728711, or email us at info@cleargreenscs.co.uk for a FREE no obligation quotation

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